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Ofsted recognises “rapid improvements” at Rose Bridge Academy

11 December 2018 (by admin)

Ofsted monitoring report following David Selby, Her Majesty’s Inspector visit with Ofsted Inspector Mark Burgess to our school Rose Bridge Academy on 20 to 21 November 2018.

Ofsted recognises “rapid improvements” at Rose Bridge Academy

During a recent visit from Ofsted, the team that supports Rose Bridge Academy has been praised for a series of rapid improvements at the secondary school.

After a difficult 12 months, which saw the school draw criticism at the start of the year, the inspectors found that now “all those involved in the leadership of the school have ensured that there have been rapid improvements in both standards and expectations.”

As part of their findings, inspectors noted that leaders from both Community First Academy Trust (CFAT) and The Dean Trust (TDT) are “taking effective action towards the removal of special measures at the school.”

Inspectors went on to state that: “A sense of pride in the school has developed among teachers and pupils” and “staff and pupils express confidence in senior leaders and recognise that many aspects of school life have already changed for the better”.

Amongst the many areas of progress, inspectors also highlighted that:

  • Two thirds of the parents who shared their views in Ofsted’s Parent View Survey strongly agree that the school is now well led and well managed and four-fifths of parents would now recommend the school to others.
  • All leaders at the school have improved the accuracy and rigour of the school's self assessment and...have a very clear understanding of pupil progress and their abilities.
  • School leaders from The Dean Trust have improved the way pupil premium funding is deployed at the school and disadvantaged pupils are now making faster progress.
  • The quality of teaching and learning has improved rapidly and in parallel with the improvements in pupils’ attitudes and behaviour.
  • The curriculum has been reviewed and positively changed to give pupils the best opportunities to build up their knowledge and skills.
  • Arrangements for pupils’ daily arrival at school has been positively changed and this has a positive impact on attitudes.

Community First Academy Trust appointed a interim Academy Management Committee soon after the first inspection, and it was noted that: “Members of the IAMC meet regularly and have quickly built up their understanding of the school. They are thorough in holding leaders to account…and have been sensitive in ensuring that the IAMC can independently provide challenging governance. Those involved have ensured that the relationships between the trusts and the IAMC allow clear lines of responsibility and accountability.”

The Community First Academy was also recognised for funding improvements to the school building, including providing facilities for teaching technology.

Sue Darbyshire, Chief Executive of Community First Academy Trust, said: “We are pleased to welcome this positive feedback on the many areas of progress that have been made here.

“Through the tireless efforts of all of the teams involved, we are delighted to see that Rosebridge is on a very positive trajectory.”

Jane Mantel, Chair of the Interim Academy Management Committee, responded to the report's publication by saying; “Together as a partnership between Community First Academy Trust and The Dean Trust and through our Management Committee, we have left no stone unturned as we reviewed every part of school life.

“With a clear and effective action plan in place and additional challenge and support provided for school leaders, we have already seen a clear step change in the education provided at Rose Bridge Academy.

“I am delighted that this has been recognised by the inspectors and I have every confidence that the school will continue to look forward to a positive future.”

Wigan Today Article 



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